What Healthcare Providers need from their IT…
Medical providers’ information technology needs are very specific. The management of EMR (electronic medical records) is highly regulated, and require compliance at all times and at all levels. The government mandated standards for securing electronic protected health information (e-PHI) are covered in the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Security Rules. Compliance with the security rules of HIPAA is not a recommendation, it is a requirement. Failure to be in compliance can result in huge fines that can be as high as $50,000 for a single violation!
Working with a local trusted partner in information technology, allows healthcare providers in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton to have the help and guidance they need to be efficient and in compliance. BlinkingPC offers a full range of IT services for the medical, dental as well as other related healthcare and healthcare billing providers’ needs. We offer full on call helpdesk support, IT Consulting for projects, Managed Services (which is our full IT support option), as well as all your related cybersecurity and backup needs.